Mummy started blogging when she delivered me.

That was back in August 2006. Do check out

When my l'il brother came along; Mummy continue blogging at

The blog space get very much congested.. hence the need for Mummy to find a new location to continue her passion in blogging our happenings..

She hopes that through blogging; when times goes by; we can easily look back and remember all the little things that we have done.

Hee.. Mummy say she is not a person whom is good with words; so she posted more pictures and let the pictures tell the stories..

So, here we are; at our NEW blog site ! Do continue to stay tune ! ^_*

Saturday 30 June 2012


THANK YOU !!!! for everybody's loves and concern!! We are all recovering well.. feeling better every each day! thanks thanks! 

Nikole at the polyclinic; doing a review of her blood count test.. the platelets count apparently still stay low; hence the doc recommend for another blood test in a month time. in any case, we are all glad that the fever are all gone and the kids are all feeling fine and well.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Joining in ....

Nikole's fever is very persistent.. school has reopened.. but she is still not feeling well; hence she has been missing classes and all her enrichment classes this week.. hope she recovers soonest!

Nikolas "joined in the fun".. haiz.. his fever suddenly shoot up to 40.5 degree on Sunday afternoon-(24th Jul) and we quickly rushed him to KKH...we hanged around at KKH for about 4 hours for observation and was glad that his fever subsided and we can all go home to rest.... 

Friday 22 June 2012

persistent ....

Nikole's fever still did not subside after 2 days... and worst.. it gets higher even after every 4-hourly paracetamol & Ibuprofen feed... the fever shot up to 41 degree in the mid nite of 21st June.. hence we decided to rush her to KKH .

We reached KKH at about 4-ish am..and very fast; we are being attended by a Doc.  
Doc ordered for her blood to be test immediately ..

the blood test result show a below normal blood platelet count; hence doc want us to do a close monitoring on Nikole fearing that she might have dengue fever.

We will send home at about 6am after she was being observed for 2 hours and confirmed that her fever had subsided. ( Nikole was given Diclofenac na)

We were told to follow up on her blood count test on Sat at the polyclinic..

Praying that Nikole will be fine and well soon!

While, Mummy was busy attending to Jie jie; Nikolas is behaving extremely well! Doing his own colouring and playing quietly on his own. Good job !

Wednesday 20 June 2012


Just another usual Wednesday's afternoon when Ah gong and Ah mah were busy looking after me, Didi and Bb Xuan.. 

As i'm still having fever.. Ah Mah is putting extra efforts to look after me.. then Ah gong say he is tired and want to take a nap; so get the helper to look after Nikolas.. 

Shortly, 5 min or so later; Ah mah went into the room to get something; and was shocked to see Ah gong having a fits on the bed; and she screamed for help.. Helper ran in together with me and Nikolas.. Ah gong got blood coming out from his mouth.. and he fainted. We keep calling him but he never reply, he just stayed unconscious... 

Ah Mah was tend carrying Bb Xuan. and was crying so badly and screaming ah gong's name. 

I was terrified. 

Nikolas squat by the door and keep crying.. I keep pulling ah gong's hand and begged for someone to help Ah gong. 

Meanwhile, Ah Mah ran to call JiuJiu and Mummy... Before we realised; our neightbour-Aunty Jenny came to our house together with Jiu Jiu.. Jiu Jiu lifted ah Gong up and keep trying to wake Ah Gong up. 

we felt so much relief when Ah gong start to gain consciousness... the ambulance also arrived then. 
The Medic attended to Ah gong.. and Mummy & Yiyi all suddenly appeared at home.

i am so happy to see Mummy; and together with Nikolas; we ran to hug Mummy. 

We were all so scared!

Very fast; the ambulance bring ah Gong off to the hospital.. and Daddy and Yi-Zhang also rushed home..

Jiu Jiu and Yiyi-s went to the hospital with Ah Gong..

Ah gong; pls get well soon! Ying ying so worried for you!
photograph courtesy from Wendy Yiyi.. she took it when Ah gong was at the A&E of TTSH.. and send it to us to assured Nikole that Ah gong is fine !

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Little princess is not feeling well...

Shortly after our return from our 3D2N Kuching, Sarawak holiday; Nikole is down with high-fever and vomiting.. 

so heartache to see her so suffering.. :(

Sunday 10 June 2012

It's HI-5 !!!

We were at United Square today with the intention of getting a new washing machine.. and we happen to catch the right timing to watch Hi-5 live in United Square!

Very nice & memorable event for the kiddos!

The kids were kept busy with some coloring while waiting for the show to start ...

The entertaining 20min live-show!

yeah!! we had our photo-pass!!

Nikolas was so delighted that Stevie of Hi-5 carried him! He went round telling all "Stevie carry didi .. stevie carry didi !" :D

Viewing their snap shot ...Ah Gong paid $20 to buy this back... the kids are sure delighted ! *Daddy & Mummy felt that it is kinda too expensive :")


Our Sunday morning...

The kids had some moments of fun doing some painting and "riding" in the morning...

The LEEs & Ah Mah ! ^_*

  @ AMK-Hougang Dumpling Festival Celebration

Grandpa & Grandma brought Nikolas to the neighbourhood dumpling festival party organized by the RC-members.

Met up with PM Lee there; and very delighted to grab a snapshot with our Prime Minister!

PM Lee + Nikolas Lee + Ah Mah! Nice shot !
* Ah Gong say "Thank you Mr Yeo for helping with this snap-shot! " :)

Saturday 9 June 2012

Madagascar 3 !

Delighted Nikole! Yes.. we are gonna watch the Madagascar show today!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Her little window ..

adding one more to her little collection...
her little small "window" ... :)

Sunday 3 June 2012

Sunday activities .. @ the library

After the long hours at Goodman Art centre ; we ended the Sunday doing some quiet reading at the library.

Nikolas got used to the reading routine... quietly reading with Jie Jie...

Pottery fun!

Today we are doing something really different.. 

we are going to get our hands dirty with some clay making.. 

So here we are.. at Goodman Ceramic Studio

All shots are so lovely that Mummy decided to upload all ! 

Watch out ! here's lot of pictures sharing ! 

We are gonna do some interesting stuff today! :)

Yes....we spotted the location where we wanna go..

What are we waiting for? Let's go!

Nikolas is all hot and sweaty even before the class commenced!

Nikole is getting excited!

Nikole is v. attentive during the demo session.. *love*

Paying very attentive to every bits of stuff that the coach mentioned !

Cheeky one.. started to feel kinda restless..

I want to make a DINOSAUR!

SERIOUS at work!

setting her hands on the clay ...

Nikole trying to decide what she wanna make..

Yes, decided! can u guess what she wanna do?? :)

Mummy giving Nikolas a BIG HELPING hands..

Didi playing a big part in deciding how his Dinosaur going to look like!

got it?? Nikole is making a STAR-FISH!

slow and steady...

Daddy.. dun take pic lah.. or else all will know that it is Mummy whom is busy working on the clay for me!

Mummy; done?? quick .. my turn.

yeah.. my Dinosaur is completing!

tata .. so nice!

erm.. let me tidy up a bit...

I think the tail needs to be improved..

Nikole quietly meddling with her art piece without any help... she is really good at this!

Mummy think this is beautiful!

adding some perfection to it..

COMPLETED art piece... Nikolas's own version of Dinosaur !

Nikole's art-piece .. this is lovely.. Nikole even added a flower pic to the star-fish's stand!
Happy ! We will be back in 3 weeks time to collect our art-pieces! The aunties at the workshop mentioned that they will help to make our clay hard hard..