Mummy started blogging when she delivered me.

That was back in August 2006. Do check out

When my l'il brother came along; Mummy continue blogging at

The blog space get very much congested.. hence the need for Mummy to find a new location to continue her passion in blogging our happenings..

She hopes that through blogging; when times goes by; we can easily look back and remember all the little things that we have done.

Hee.. Mummy say she is not a person whom is good with words; so she posted more pictures and let the pictures tell the stories..

So, here we are; at our NEW blog site ! Do continue to stay tune ! ^_*

Monday, 24 October 2011

Boom ... Boom... Boom...

Mummy came back with new outfits for us today; t-shirts for both Nikolas & me!!

A nice gift from Aunty Betty!!

Thank you very much Aunty Betty; we loves them much!

Nikolas was super busy.. when Mummy tried the shirt on him; he quickly put on his Car Crocs; and went round going Boom boom boom.. the whole night long..
"transforming" himself into a little car ..." hee hee

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